Welcome to Creswick PTA - oh no, the dreaded PTA I hear you groan! Aren't they the Mums in the playground we hide from because they'll sign us up to volunteer or bake a cake? Aren't they a bit cliquey? Well, the truth is we are currently a small group of friendly parents who volunteer and organise fun events for the children to raise money for our school and we welcome anyone - Mums, Dads, Carers and even Grandparents - to come along and get involved.
We hold fun events to raise money to go towards various items and activities in our school. We have an annual tradition of bringing Pantomime into school for all the children to enjoy at Christmas time and we recently paid £850 towards a science day experience activity for all the children to take part in. Previously, we also contributed £5000 towards the renovation of the early years' playground and £2400 for new books for all the classrooms. We raise money in order to support educational initiatives and projects which would not normally be supported from statutory funding but which will enhance the school and development of all our children at Creswick. Every penny raised from our events goes towards the school and our children.
Alongside raising funds we hope our events help to promote a sense of community at Creswick. Some of the previous fundraising events we have enjoyed include summer fairs, firework nights, Easter egg hunts, summer camp outs, ice-cream Fridays, movie nights, discos and more. We are always looking for new events to try so if you have any ideas, please let us know.
So how can you get involved? Well, there are lots of ways and you can give as little or as much time as you like. Whether it's joining the committee, helping to source donations and raffle prizes or manning a stall for an hour at the summer fair, there are many things you can do to get invoved, and of course, you can also come to the events too! We hope you will get involved and we do need volunteers to put on our events (so we might see you in the playground!). If everyone gave just a few hours once a year we would be able to put on more fun events and raise more money for our children and our school.
You can contact us via email and give our Facebook page a follow to keep up to date with our events
To buy tickets and for further event information visit