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Curriculum Overview

Confident Learners for Life

At Creswick we want to create confident learners for life.  We do this through our six values: motivation, perseverance, challenge, kindness, independence and respect.

Our Curriculum is a combination of knowledge and skills taught as discrete subjects to ensure learning is clear and sequential.  Links are made to topics where appropriate and this helps us to meet the needs and interests of our children so that they are engaged and excited to learn. This also aids the retrieval of knowledge and skills to help learning reach the long-term memory.

A long-term plan maps out learning for all year groups from EYFS to year 6. This ensures that teachers are building on prior learning and preparing learners for future learning.

Knowledge organisers ensure that skills and knowledge are well sequenced and support progression through the subject. We ensure high level vocabulary is taught and skills are used in a range of contexts.

Enrichment activities and knowledge organisers give our children prior knowledge before teaching new content and this ensures that all children are engaged, inspired and start their learning from an equal starting point.

Our curriculum intent endeavours to embed the school ethos, with the school values and growth mind-set at the heart of our curriculum.