01707 323038

Creswick Academy

Confident Learners for Life

Creswick Academy

Welcome from the Headship Team


Clerk to Governors - Kayleigh Kingsland

Mr Lock


Mrs Lesley Brennan (Chair)

Co-opted Governor

Mr Jacob Kallergis (Vice Chair)

Co-opted governor

Mr Prinal Nathwani (Resources Chair)

Co-opted Governor 

Miss Barbara Scheck

Co-opted governor
Miss Jan Bracey

Local Authority governor

Miss Ceri Stokes

Co-opted governor

Mr Tristan Dollie

Co-opted Governor 

Dr Chisanga Mwelwa

Co-opted Governor

Mrs Lucy Stylianou

Parent Governor

Mrs Rowan Thompson (Deputy Head)

Associate member

Mrs Nicola Johnson (Deputy Head)

Associate member
























Agora Learning Partnership Trustees

Members and Trustees

Trust Accounts